Sunday, June 16, 2019

Dream Cum True

Dream Cum True

Channel 69 is proud to present Dream Cum True copy write 2009

Her dad owned the bar.  She was all of 16.  Her dad paid her to do dishes and clean up backstage.  She remembered the day HE and his band played on stage at her dad’s bar.  It was never the same since. 

She fell hard and fast and always compared any future dates against HIM. He had even given her a kiss on the cheek once when she had happened across his path backstage as she was cleaning.  He had asked for some water and she got it for him.  She got a kiss in return.  She felt like Marcia Brady in that she would never wash that cheek again.  Of course her mom didn’t stand for that.  Cleanliness and all that.  Health codes.  But it was never washed from her memory.

Fast forward some years and she found herself the inherited owner of the bar after her parents passing.  She always knew she would and had gone to college and studied business stuff.  A cold dreary Wednesday morning found her cleaning the bar and doing inventory.  She heard the whistle of the wind outside as she heard the door open.  Once in awhile she would get a customer coming thru the door when they were not officially open.  She usually put on a “cold” shoulder and would tell the person they were not open and they had to leave.  Most were amiable and would leave.  There were other establishments that were open during the day. 

“We are closed.  Darlene’s is open down the boardwalk.”  She said without looking up.

“Are you sure you can’t spare a cup of coffee to warm me up?”  This voice asked. 

She could see from her position of counting the Jose Cuervo that his hands were on the bar palms up in hopeful question.  That is when she saw the pinky finger.  No one else in the world had a pinky like that.  Now she realized why that voice made her quiver everywhere.  It was innate.  Ingrained.  It was HIM.  After all these years. 

When he saw her eyes, he could tell she recognized him but at the same time they held a light that said 'you should remember who I am'.  Then it was gone.  Should he know her?  He shrugged inwardly.

She smiled and asked, “Most people who beg usually sing for their supper.  What can you do?”  She picked out a clean, recently inventoried coffee cup and started to pour a fragrant cup of Joe for the blonde god sitting at her counter.

He raised an eyebrow, knowing she was funning him, but started out with a bit of Wanted.  She smiled, lighting up the dimness of the bar, turned and grabbed a bottle of Baileys.  She turned back around and wiggled the bottle her eyebrow raised.  

He smiled and broke into most everyone’s favorite song Bed and she positively beamed and poured a dollop of the smooth liquid into his cup.  As he hummed in-between sips she closed her eyes and swayed.

That is my favorite song,” she said.  Looking at him she said, “Thank you.  Can’t blame me for asking.”

“I don’t mind singing for some coffee once in awhile.”  He looked around as he sipped his coffee.  “I played here a few times when we were first starting out,” his voiced edged with nostalgia.

“I know,” she said.

He looked at her and said, “You would have been all of ten or something.  They don’t let kids in bars.”

“Um, 16, as a matter of fact.  And yes I was here as my parents owned the place.  I used to clean up in the kitchen aaannnddd backstage,”  she said.  “You kissed my cheek one day and I vowed never to wash it.  Till the next day when my mom made me.”

“Sorry, I don’t remember,” he said sincerely.

“I know.  It’s OK.  I am sure you have kissed a lot of girls,” she said.  When he started to look indignant, she said, “You know what I mean.  Giving them sweet dreams.”

He smiled and took another sip of coffee.  He sighed and said, “This place hasn’t changed.”

“Are you guys in town playing a gig?”  She asked.

“Giants,” he said. 

She nodded in understanding.  “There is a band playing tonight here.  It seems like all the new bands don’t get the same breaks like in the old days.”  She moved down the bar to work on another section, “They are pretty good if you feeling like popping in later tonight.”

“Maybe,” He said.

“So, why are you here big boy?”  She asked, thinking maybe he was feeling worn out and lonely and just needed someone to talk to.  “Or do I need to sign a confidentiality agreement?” 

He gave her a stern ‘I can’t believe you said that look’.

She held out her hands and said, “Sorry, too many tabloids.  More coffee?”  

He held out his cup and she refilled.

“I snuck out.  Just needed a breather from the machine called Bon Jovi, so I came here.  I was walking around and it was a bit cold and so I was hoping for some kindness and anonymity.”  He held up his cup in salute.  “I miss the old days sometimes.  The guys and I sure had some good times.”

“Well for a day dreaming gal I thank you for all my lovely dreams,” she said.

“You are welcome,” he said flashing that million dollar smile.  “Thanks for the coffee, but I need to get going or they will sick the dogs on me.”

“Bye Jon,” She said trying not too sound hugely disappointed.

It was 1am.  The band was just starting their last set.  They closed around two.  She was feeling bummed cause she got her hopes up that Jon might come back.  She had even went home and changed into something hot or at least for a bar owner.  She was keeping an eye on everything and had just walked back into the kitchen to check on things there when she heard a knock on the back door.  It had a peep hole so she looked to make sure it wasn’t a deranged killer or something.  It was Jon.  She worked swiftly to get the door open and get Jon inside.

He was wearing a simple t-shirt jeans and a guitar slung over his shoulder.

He looked like the proverbial line, with a six string on his back. 

“Hey,” She said.  “I was hoping you would show up, but I didn’t think you would.  You know, being busy and famous and all that.”

He looked me up and down, smiling, and said, “Really?  Do you always dress like that?” 

“Oh you caught me.  No, not this slutty,” She replied, laughing.  “Do you like what you see?”  I asked twirling around. 

His blues eye darkened a bit and he said, “Ask me later.  For now what about introducing me to the band and announcing me to the audience.”

She smiled happily and went up on stage.  The band was ecstatic.  The crowd almost tore down the place and Jon was magnificent.  Jon waved goodbye, made his way back thru the kitchen and turned to me and handed me a note.

“It would be easier for you to come to me.  There is the info.  See ya later.”  With that he kissed me surpassing all my preconceived notions of what it would be like to kiss Jon Bon Jovi.

3am found her standing in front of the penthouse suite.  She was just about to knock when the door opened.

“They told me you were here,” he said.

She forgot that he would have ‘people’ at all hours of the night. 

“Cool,” she replied.  She followed Jon into the room.  He just had on a pair of sweat bottoms and a plain white t-shirt and his hair was damp.  He was barefoot.

“Let me take your coat,” he said as he stepped behind her to relieve her of her coat.

“Why me,” she asked as she set her purse on the table and relaxed her arms so he could slip off her coat.

He took a hand and moved her hair aside and placed a tiny, breathy kiss on her neck.  “You mentioned being a day dreaming girl so I thought I could help make one more dream come true,” he said.

“That’s pretty presumptuous of you,” she managed to say as he nipped a tender spot between her neck and shoulder, and then licked it.

“So you are telling me you never dreamed of this?”

“No,” she said unconvincingly.  He licked right behind her ear and she squeaked, “Ok. Ok.  Yes.”

“Mmmm…hhhmmm,” he mumbled knowingly, thinking ‘that’s what I thought’.

She could feel the heat from his body permeating her clothes, all along her backside.  And the one thing she could definitely feel could not be held back by a flimsy pair of sweat pants.  She unconsciously wiggled her behind.  IT wiggled back.  Oh God she thought, she was in sexual heaven.  The man/god of her dreams was wooing her with butterfly kisses on her neck and shoulders.

He liked that she was almost as tall as him.  Made it so he didn’t have to bend over too far.  He almost lost it when she wiggled that delectable ass against him.  He ran his hands down her sides leaving them to rest on her hips.  He had his cheek against her cheek and started swaying to the ultimate’ dance close with a girl song’ Bed Of Roses.  He heard her moan and smiled.

Oh no he didn’t she thought.  Another dream comes true.  What red blooded American girl did not fantasize about dancing to Bed Of Roses with Jon Bon Jovi?   Hers was better since it was in private.  If she didn’t cum right now it would be amazing.  Her control would not last long.

She raised her arms, stretching, then turned is his arms and put her arms around his neck.  His hands ended up on her butt.  She looked down between them and commented, “Umm, looks like we should call you ‘Omar the Tent Maker’.”  She looked up at him, his eyes wide like he couldn’t believe she just said that.  She looked back down, grinned, looked back up and said, “Extreme home edition!”

They both laughed.

“Baby, you are about to find out how extreme!”

She laid a big ol’ kiss on Jon as she ran her hands around his hips and over his hot hard butt.  She discovered snaps ran all along the legs of his sweat pants.  So she grabbed hold and ripped them off.  "That’s what the little silver snaps are for," she said laughingly, and ran off towards a hallway hoping it led to the bedroom.  

“Nananana…you cant’ catch me.”

He laughed and ran after her.  He caught her and tossed her on the bed.  “Now you are going to get it.”

IT.  She couldn’t keep her eye off of IT.  As it was hanging there proud and unfettered and all he was left in was the t-shirt.  She looked up at him with eyebrows raised and unconsciously licked her lips in anticipation.

He had seen that look before.  He stood a bit back from the bed and said, “Do it.”

She said, “What is better than roses on your piano?  Tulips on your organ.”  She laughed and took him into her mouth.  She licked and slurped like she was a kid with a Popsicle. 

“Ohhh,” he moaned, placing his hands on her hair.  After a few minutes and much control later he whispered, “Oh baby, that was amazing, but now it is your turn.”  He gently disengaged her mouth from his member.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her up.  “Me thinks you have too many clothes on.”  He slowly unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse.  One button.  One kiss.

“Jon, your mouth is so hot.”

He reached down and fingered her and whispered against her skin as he licked the small bit of skin between her boobs, “So is yours.”

“Fuck,”  she hissed. 


He finally divested her of her blouse and made short work of her tiny minute skirt.  He stood back and took her hand and twirled her around.  He stopped her so he could lay homage to her derriere. 

“Baby, you have a gorgeous ass. I just wanna squeeze it.”

Going for humor she said, “Please don’t squeeze the Charmon.”  But he did it anyway.  Smooth, warm hands cupped her butt and massaged it…squeezed it…molded it it to his amazing hands. 


“Jon, I need you now,”  she yelled.

“Ahhh, patience.”  He reached around and fondled her petals already bejeweled with her juices.  He abruptly spun her around and pushed her down on the bed.  He saw that her eyes were glazed over with passion.  He was so ready to pop.  God, but she was hot and passionate and responsive.  He didn’t ever want this to end.

Jon took a leg in each hand, spreading her and dove in. Didn’t the saying go ‘we dive at 5’?  As it was now about 5 am.  He used his thumbs to hold her open while his tongue slowly moved up and down. He pulled back and then opened his mouth and placed it fully over her and sucked hard.

“AAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she exploded. 


He stopped and moved over her, listening to her breathing.  She was panting and trying to catch her breath.  And before she could he smoothly entered her.  “Look no hands,”  He said.  He was so hard and she was so wet, insertion was perfect.

“Baby, you are so wet and hot.  I can FEEL the ridges and muscles.  I am not sure how much longer I can last.”  He pumped hard.

“Faster Superman.  Fly me to heaven Superman.”  She growled.

Together they flew hoping never ever to come back down.  They collapsed in each others arms.

“Jon,” she said, “I will never ever doubt Superman’s powers, ever!”

He just smiled and kissed her.

The End..for now.  As I have no idea if I want to go further with this.  This was just intended to be a mini porn.


  1. I think you can easily go forward with this my besti.

  2. The re read was even better. Thinking back on my comment about taking it further. It a great one night day dream, a I'll see you next time I'm in town. I luv it sis
